Welcome to Number Guesser!
Go Ahead and Punch in a Number for me! This is try number $try !
{(set: $num to (random: 1,100))
(set: $try to 1)}
[[GO!|works]]You are on you $try try.
(set: $guess to (prompt: "What number do you guess?", "0"))
(set: $guess to (num: $guess))
(if: $guess > $num)[(goto: "Too Big!")]
(if: $guess < $num)[(goto: "Too Small!")]
(if: $guess = $num)[(goto: "That's Right!")]That Guess is too much!
(set: $try to it + 1)
[[Try Again!|works]]That Guess is too little!
(set: $try to it + 1)
[[Try again|works]]Right on the money!
Great Job!
It only took you $try time(s)!
(set: $try to 1)